Candles are back!!!


Handmade (as is everything) candles are back in stock on the website. Just click the above pic and get taken directly to the order page

Sometime in an early age of discovery, Ol’ Rudy sailed from a distant port in the company of his good friend the Captain of the Southern Seas, bearing a cargo of candles infused with the scents and flavors of exotic and rare spices and essences bound for his Great Carnival of Wonders in a new land.

The jealous and tempestuous ocean conspired to seize the precious cargo, casting the ghostly ship down in her dark waters, and all was lost…but not before a chart was drawn by the doomed Captain as the condemned ship foundered and sank.

Guided by the Captain’s ethereal hand, sole survivor Ol’ Rudy returned a century later, and there…oddly, miraculously… lay the lost cargo. Charmed and rusted, ancient in appearance but marvelously vibrant and more fragrant than the day they were poured, this is the collection of The Captain of the Southern Seas.

About agathablois

NYCL Carnival Wax and everything in between View all posts by agathablois

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